Learn to Meditate
Learn to meditate and master your awareness by discovering the secrets of the art of meditation. In simple and easy to understand language, you will:
Learn various fun and easy meditation tools such as following the breath and mantra
Understand the impact that stress has on the mind-body-spirit and how meditation affects your brain
Learn the scientifically proven benefits of a ritualized meditation practice
Discover what works for YOU
Learn how to ritualize and create your daily practice - how to move from being a "crisis" meditator to a "rockstar" meditator
Learn how to create a meditation space
Learn what's really suppose to happen during a meditation
Learn the six stages that occur during present moment witnessing awareness
Learn pattern interrupt techniques to help you destressify in the moment
Learn how to practice weaving various destressifying techniques into your day
BONUS: Receive your personal Nakshatra birthstar mantra in a sacred ceremony
Four (4) private Individual sessions (1.5 hour duration) - $475.00
Sessions available in-person or via confidential video platform
"Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is ….
Absolute miracles will happen."
Louise L. Hay
Custom Coaching
When we work together we form a relationship, a bond:
I am hardly an “app”
I care deeply about you
I root for you
I want the very best for you!
Maybe you already meditate and want to take your practice to the next level. Perhaps you want to add that second meditation to your day. With this option, we would personalize a daily/weekly/monthly coaching support system that involves us staying connected.
Personalized experience - Pricing starts at $50/session (need-based options available)
Sessions available in-person or via confidential video platform