Private Holistic Life Coaching Session
Are you looking for inner peace, clarity, experiencing grief due to a loss, needing to make a decision or working towards a particular goal? As a holistic life coach Colleen supports clients who are looking and willing to take positive steps in their lives. Colleen will guide you towards your own inner wisdom and empower you to move in the direction you choose.
Each coaching session will be devoted to you for the purpose of sharing whatever is most important to you. Our session will be held in a safe, loving, and supportive space wherein Colleen will offer her full presence, confidentiality, intuition, and will share authentically from her own life experiences as your peer.
Colleen’s approach is to consider the “whole” of the client – the body, mind and spiritual attributes of her client as she sees them as interrelated. Colleen helps clients connect to the divine intelligence, power and inner guidance we have all been innately born with. She believes that we are multi-dimensional spiritual beings and that positive change begins in the mind, heart and attitude. The outer changes we desire will occur naturally following inner awakening.
Sessions available in-person or via confidential video platform
"Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is ….
Absolute miracles will happen."
Louise L. Hay
You CAN Heal Your Heart After Loss
Grief Sharing Session
This private session is designed to be a safe space and a place of comfort for those dealing with grief.
Grief hurts and it can break your heart and can change your world. We grieve the devastating loss of our loved ones. And we also grieve the loss of plans, a job, a relationship, and our health. We grieve when tragedy strikes in our communities. We can even grieve the feeling of safety and trust as our view of the world shifts after trauma.
Oftentimes healing occurs in sharing our story and recognizing that we are not alone. However, many times our relatives and friends just don’t understand the depths of our pain. There is no timeline for grief and this session cannot fix your grief, but it is a place to understand it and share it. We CAN heal our hearts after loss and connect more deeply to ourselves, our lives and to others thereby creating a path to peace.
Sessions available in-person or via confidential video platform
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Wayne Dyer
Learn to Meditate
Learn to meditate and master your awareness by discovering the secrets of meditation.
In simple and easy to understand language, you will:
Learn various fun and easy meditation tools such as following the breath and mantra
Understand the impact that stress has on the mind-body-spirit and how meditation affects your brain
Learn the scientifically proven benefits of a ritualized meditation practice
Discover what works for YOU
Learn how to ritualize and create your daily practice - how to move from being a "crisis" meditator to a "rockstar" meditator
Learn how to create a meditation space
Learn what's really suppose to happen during a meditation
Learn the six stages that occur during present moment witnessing awareness
Learn pattern interrupt techniques to help you destressify in the moment
Learn how to practice weaving various destressifying techniques into your day
Receive your personal Nakshatra birthstar mantra in a sacred ceremony
Sessions available in-person or via confidential video platform
Mindfulness & Support Gathering
Facilitated by Colleen M. Doumeng
4:00 pm (EST)
(room opens at 3:50 pm - please arrive early to settle in)
Zoom Meeting ID: 814 6266 6243
Passcode: 1234
The virtual Mindfulness & Support Gathering is a safe meeting place for family members and individuals who are navigating a cancer diagnosis. It is a confidential space where we gather and support each other with emotional, practical and spiritual support. Even though a lot of people receive support from friends and family, people join a support group to be with others who have the same type of cancer or similar cancer experiences. Being with people who really understand what you are going through is called peer support and it can be a great help at difficult times.
General Meeting Information
Gatherings are held weekly – Thursday - 4-5:30 pm (ET), via zoom - 90 minutes. We start and end on time. No computer, no problem. Don’t feel like you have to use video to participate. Some people feel more comfortable using a phone and calling in. Group attendance numbers - six to eight people. Participants attend as often as they wish. It does not matter if you miss a gathering - you can return and join whenever you are able. Same for when you want to leave the group – up to you.
The Mindfulness and Support Gathering begins and ends with a short, no experience necessary, guided meditation.
If you are interested in being added to my weekly reminder email, please send me a request at info@colleenmdoumeng.com. Reminders are also posted on my Facebook page, Colleen R. Doumeng, Mondays Cancer Care's private page, Mondays Marvels, and on the Mondays Cancer Care website with the zoom link and number to dial in.
Our gatherings are a gift to you and your family members from the Mondays Cancer Care Organization. www.mondayscancercare.org.