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About Colleen

We all have a story and here is mine - looking back now as a "60 something year old" I can say that my life took a radical change at the tender of 33.  I was suddenly faced with a life changing diagnosis (cancer of the tongue) which "forced" me into facing overwhelming thoughts about my current life situation and my mortality.


I partnered with my health team at Sloan Kettering and received wonderful care.  However, once home I "knew" there was deeper healing that I needed to do. This inner knowing led me to a healer.  A caring psychologist who encouraged me to express my feelings.  Through therapy I found ways to cope with my life.  Right about this time I was invited by a couple from my church to a “healing circle.”  During that gathering I was brought into the center of the circle where people started to chant and pray out loud for me.  Suffice to say in this bio that what followed for me in that circle was a mystical, powerful, unexplainable miracle.  I left that meeting knowing that a suspicious tumor located on another section of my tongue, observed monthly by my surgeon, was in fact gone. That was the message I received from Spirit that night – your cancer is gone never to return.  Four months later, after signing consent for radical surgery to have that “tumor” removed, the surgeon performed a minor excision and found no evidence of cancer. The pathology confirmed what Spirit told me that night in the circle.  For some unexplainable reason I was the recipient of a spontaneous healing.  As of this writing I am now celebrating 33 years cancer free!


My spontaneous healing became a catalyst for me to learn more about the mind-body-spirit connection.  For the past three decades I have immersed myself by studying extensively with masters of wisdom.  I have traveled to holy places, met healers, attended workshops and completed several certification programs.  Along the way I built a self-care toolbox that helps me quiet my mind and keep me in peace.  These tools work for me and I know they will work for you! 


When I am not spending time with my family, you will find me in my other “roles” as as a meditation teacher, grief coach, bereavement coach, facilitator of a mindfulness and support group for individuals coping with a cancer diagnosis, Reiiki practitioner, mondays cancer care volunteer and a hospice volunteer. I engage with clients one-on-one, in group settings, and in virtual and on-location workshops. My clients range from all walks of life and ages and all are invited to participate, regardless of funds.  I invite you to journey with me and share your story...I am so looking forward to connecting with you.  



Private Sessions

Heart Healing

destressifying workshops

Cancer Support

Family Support

Holistic Life Coach

Using a holistic approach, together we will focus on the “whole” of you – body, mind and spirit - exploring how they are all interrelated

Meditation Teacher

For those desiring more peace and less stress, you can learn real world tools and techniques to support you to feel more calm and in balance

Grief Coach

Grief is experienced in so many ways. My intention it to create a space of comfort and healing for what you are experiencing

Wayne Dyer

Ram Dass

Alan Cohen and me 0921 coach training_ed

Alan Cohen


Louise Hay


My Family



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