Recently my oldest daughter and her husband invited me on their family vacation. We spent three days hiking magnificent trails in Shenandoah National Park.
This particular hike was an extraordinary experience being present as I watched my daughter so effortlessly guide her five year old daughter both up and down these rocks.
My practice of meditation expands my awareness so I AM able to see beyond the descent.
I see how they trust each other....I see a tiny little girl gently holding her mother’s hand and a mother allowing her daughter to step forward and be guided by her own intuition.
I see where I am standing at 62 and I feel a sense of overwhelming peace.
I feel the grace of my ability to let go in this moment and practice non interference.
I stop to become the “observer” to witness.
I am loving awareness here.
I rejoice as I feel my heart expand at my aliveness and the gratitude I feel as my heart continues to swell to the point I fight tears.
I am in aw of the gifts my meditation practice has given me. My perspectives have truly expanded. I truly have moments of deep connection to everyone and everything. I truly experience bliss.
I feel deep gratitude in this moment.
that these two souls chose me as their mom and grandma. My heart overflows with joy and contentment ~ for this holy, sacred precious moment and for all the blessings in my life 🙏